Legal work
Representation in DBA claims
If you are a non-USA employee who got injured while working in the War Zone for the American Government Contractors, we can represent your claim in the Department of Labor. We have Case Administrators and qualified Litigation Lawyers if your case will be referred for a formal hearing at the OALJ. The Representation/Attorney’s fees or costs or both are governed by 33 U.S. Code § 928
There are no rules of the game. Negotiations are crucial skills in many professions. Even negotiating own salary or rent, negotiating skills come handy; all the same for a company – negotiating skills is a surviving toolset.
There are many cognitive methods in gaining the upper hand in negotiations, starting from Cognitive Dissonance, Elaboration Likelihood Model, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Cognitive Response Theory etc. which heighten the success of negotiations. Our coaches can successfully coach these methods, although the level and speed of imbedding these skills in an individual, varies from the baggage and the existing skill-set of the coachee.
Negotiations are mainly opening lines of communication and attaining workable agreements. This success in negotiations and mediations is achieved only by the skills of the mediator/negotiator.
Our company provides skilled negotiators to assist and lead in your important negotiations for your company.
In increasing negotiation techniques, below workshops and seminar packages are provided, (but not only!) through simulations, case studies and interactive sessions:
- Negotiation Seminar for Executives;
- Negotiation Seminar – Mediating Disputes and Conflict Resolution;
- Increasing Persuasion Seminar – Advanced Negotiation Techniques;
- Sales Negotiations Seminar;
- Developing Leadership Style Seminar.
Successful negotiations are void if they are not crowned with a contract. Contracts ought to be mirroring negotiation outputs, since anything left out or dubious in meaning, might have problematic turn of events.
As necessary and important it is the role of the mediator, a good legal binding contract is as necessary and important.
Therefore, our company provides with contracts drafting services by lawyers who have experience in local and international commercial contracts drafting.
The following topics should be considered when drafting the Contract:
- Offer and acceptance;
- Lapse of offer;
- Effective form;
- Purchase order, letter of intent, instruction to proceed;
- Defining the documents comprising the contract;
- Express and implied terms;
- Exemptions clauses and limitations of liability;
- Remedies for breach of contract;
- Liquidated damages, “penalties” and incentives;
- Force Majeure (extensions of time);
- Transfer of Title;
- Amendments and claims.
In International Contracts following additional issues to be considered:
- INCOTERMS – definitions and implications;
- Additional contracts in support of INCOTERMS e.g. insurance and shipping;
- Methods of payment;
- Bonds and bank guarantee;
- Foreign currency;
- Prevailing language and law.
Closing out the Contract – exit strategies
- Successful performance;
- Agreement breach;
- Expert determination;
- Arbitration;
- Litigation.
Draft of procurement applications and project proposals
Draft of procurement applications - As a company dealing with your main work (whether it is services or supplies) you might want to apply for an ongoing tender process in public institutions or international organisations. Usually the work of applying for a tender can be intricate and it is required certain level of technical knowledge. There is an outsourcing trend regarding draft of tender applications, since the costs are lower than having a permanent staff in your organisation dealing exclusively with this task. Therefore, our company provides you with consultants equipped with technical knowledge in drafting the tender applications up to the conclusion of the process.
Draft of project proposals – If you are an NGO or a company in need of drafting a project proposal for a grant application, our consultants provide you with proficiency in drafting your grant applications.
Draft of legal papers
If you as a citizen and employee are in need in submitting:
- Appeal within current organisation/company that you work, regarding your employment issues (grading, leave, insurance, arbitration etc);
- Appeal to the institutions regarding your citizenship status, in Kosovo or abroad;
- Procurement appeals on the wrongfully rejection of your tender application, or any other legal paper you need in submitting
our consultants are experts in their field and will meet your expectations.