Business transformation
Human Resources Management expertise;
Who will you employ in your organization, finding the best match for the position and retaining the talent in which you invested – defines significantly the success of your organization.
Human Resources ("HR") comprise the so called "human capital" of an organization. The department that many scholars and practitioners refer to as "People Department" is basically HR. Beside the administrative/personnel function, HR’s role is far more complex and strategic, and it is one of the main drivers of your business strategy. HR Department’s strategy should be aligned with organizational overall strategy bringing synergies to the implementation level, in order to achieve the desired overall performance outcomes. If organization does not take into account the information about its workforce from HR Department when compiling organization’s strategies, the organization strategy will be myopic, unrealistic, and hardly competitive in a long run.
HR Department’s role should be strategic, informing the organization overall strategy in one side, and making sure the strategy gets implemented through its workforce on the other side. Moreover, HR is responsible to draft HR policies in line with organizational overall strategy, making sure employees and organization’s interest are met in a mutually beneficial medium. HR policies pave the way to professional leadership and organizational culture in the organization. Therefore, HR is responsible for HR Management, underlining not only recruitment and selection of the workforce, but also training, developing and retaining the essential staff to increase the performance and prepare the organization for the new realms of local, regional, and global business competition.
In our team we have professionals who can deliver HR expertise in following areas:
Gap skill analysis – assess the existing skills versus the needs of the organization, match the skills of employees to the needs of the organization, recommend and develop specific trainings targeting the identified gap skill, monitor the skills development until it fits to the overall business strategy.
Strategic HR Management – helping the organization, beside personnel function, to incorporate the strategic function (compiling HR policies, manuals, in line with organization’s overall strategy).
Personnel Management - deals with all aspects of recruitment and selection practices, recruitment cycle, testing, interviewing, induction, leave management, payroll, etc.
Human Resources Development – deals with staff engagement, staff performance evaluation, staff training and development (capacity building), staff retention (talent management) etc.
For many people, marketing is similar to promotion! Well – not quite. In simple words marketing is the way, manner, and the overall message you convey when you want to tell to your potential buyers why they should buy your product. In doing so (by the way, conveying the right message is harder that it sounds!) careful strategy should be planned, especially in building the image around your company and your product. Sometimes the message you have in the billboards, commercials etc. might have opposite effect to your desired aim.
The advert that you will launch for your company it has to be tested in many layers of society, depending on the fact whether your clientele is the mass (all citizens regardless age, or gender which use for ex. basic diary food products) or a niche (ex. seniors, female gender etc.). One wrong advert, which is not thought precisely, might have a negative image on your company or product.
That is why our experts can provide trainings dedicated to marketing executives and managers elaborating the "5 P’s" and product mix, segmentation, branding, and pricing.
Additionally, our experts can plan a campaign for your product from the phase of building an image – up to commercials, billboards etc. since we have a crew who can come up with the whole marketing plan for your company/product.
Risk management
Inadequate risk management can result in severe consequences for companies. Risk management is an assessment made by a manager or consultant who analyses and attempts to quantify the potential for losses of your company whether from: economic perspective (investments, etc.) or legal perspective (outstanding contracts, property documents, regulatory bindings as health regulations).
Advoco Solutions has experienced consultants who can review your company’s risks from legal or economic perspective and then advise on appropriate actions.
The following steps would be taken into consideration:
- The process and the timing of risk management;
- Recognizing the sources of risk;
- Methods of risk identification, quantification and mitigation;
- Actions for managing risk cost-effectively.
Organisational culture
Organizational culture is one of the most important drivers of performance in an organization. In order for a business to strive, its organizational culture should be in line with its strategy. Especially in mergers and acquisitions, whereby two or more cultures should blend, there is a need for a third unbiased party who does not belong to either culture, in order to execute merging of cultures by intertwining the best of both cultures. Organizational culture withholds individual and social cultures, based on which is formed the overall organizational culture.
Usually transforming culture is the most challenging of all since change is usually resisted by individuals. Not that individuals resist the change per se, but rather they resist the unknown that the change might bring.
Our consultants are experts in the field who have experience in driving the change in organizations by inciting the will to change in employees and making them the drivers of change.