Nikos Lambridis

Nikos Lambridis
August 20, 2014 No CommentsCEO of Advisor Coaching and Consulting Ltd. Nikos is a member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF), the Hellenic Coaching Forum, the EI Consortium, and the “Who is who in America”. Nikos practiced Sales and Management for over 20 years in the US, Germany and Greece, operating now his own successful International Training and Coaching firm, focusing on complex Organizational, Team and Executive issues during this Economic crisis in Europe. He has coached leaders to practice true leadership during the turbulence working from their inside-out! Mr. Lambridis offers Emotional Intelligence (EQ-i) training and Coaching and is a graduate with a 2-year diploma from INSEAD Organizational Psychology Dept.
Before starting his own business, Nikos worked as Sales Manager in the US, European Operations Director in Germany, Commercial Director and HR and Training Manager in Greece. He was the Captain of the 1975 Olympic Soccer Team of Greece, and the Captain of the winningest NCAA Soccer team in the Us at the Univ. of San Francisco.
Inducted in the US Soccer Hall of Fame, in 2010!
Specialties:Utilizing many techniques from playing, winning and coaching football, Nikos combines it with Leadership and Coaching Psychology methods to provide a Results oriented Coaching experience only in a few sessions. Specializes in Leadership and Team Coaching with EI, Sales and Account Management, Negotiating with EI, Facilitation through “Open Space Technology”, and keynotes.